wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 1

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* BgErrorMgr --
*       This class manages the background errors for a Tcl interpreter.
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: BgErrorMgr.java,v 1.6 2002/01/21 06:34:26 mdejong Exp $
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

namespace tcl.lang

  * This class manages the background errors for a Tcl interpreter. It
  * stores the error information about the interpreter and use an idle
  * handler to report the error when the notifier is idle.

  class BgErrorMgr : AssocData
    private void InitBlock()
      errors = new ArrayList( 10 );

    * We manage the background errors in this interp instance.

    internal Interp interp;

    * A TclObject for invoking the "bgerror" command. We use a TclObject
    * instead of a String so that we don't need to look up the command
    * every time.

    internal TclObject bgerrorCmdObj;

    * A list of the pending background error handlers.

    internal ArrayList errors;

    internal BgErrorMgr( Interp i )
      interp = i;
      bgerrorCmdObj = TclString.newInstance( "bgerror" );

      errors = new ArrayList( 10 );
    internal void addBgError()
      BgError bgErr = new BgError( this, interp.getNotifier() );

      // The addErrorInfo() call below (with an empty string)
      // ensures that errorInfo gets properly set.  It's needed in
      // cases where the error came from a utility procedure like
      // Interp.getVar() instead of Interp.eval(); in these cases
      // errorInfo still won't have been set when this procedure is
      // called.

      interp.addErrorInfo( "" );

      bgErr.errorMsg = interp.getResult();
      bgErr.errorInfo = null;
        bgErr.errorInfo = interp.getVar( "errorInfo", null, TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY );
      catch ( TclException e )
        // Do nothing if var does not exist.

      bgErr.errorCode = null;
        bgErr.errorCode = interp.getVar( "errorCode", null, TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY );
      catch ( TclException e )
        // Do nothing if var does not exist.


      errors.Add( bgErr );
    public void disposeAssocData( Interp interp )
    // The interpreter in which this AssocData
    // instance is registered in.
      for ( int i = errors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        BgError bgErr = (BgError)errors[i];
        errors.RemoveAt( i );

        bgErr.errorMsg = null;
        bgErr.errorInfo = null;
        bgErr.errorCode = null;

      bgerrorCmdObj = null;
    internal class BgError : IdleHandler
      private void InitBlock( BgErrorMgr enclosingInstance )
        this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
      private BgErrorMgr enclosingInstance;
      public BgErrorMgr Enclosing_Instance
          return enclosingInstance;


      * The interp's result, errorCode and errorInfo when the bgerror happened.

      internal TclObject errorMsg;
      internal TclObject errorCode;
      internal TclObject errorInfo;

      internal BgError( BgErrorMgr enclosingInstance, Notifier n )
        : base( n )
        InitBlock( enclosingInstance );
      public override void processIdleEvent()

        // During the execution of this method, elements may be removed from
        // the errors list (because a TCL.CompletionCode.BREAK was returned by the bgerror
        // command, or because the interp was deleted). We remove this
        // BgError instance from the list first so that this instance won't
        // be deleted twice.

        SupportClass.VectorRemoveElement( Enclosing_Instance.errors, this );

        // Restore important state variables to what they were at
        // the time the error occurred.

          Enclosing_Instance.interp.setVar( "errorInfo", null, errorInfo, TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY );
        catch ( TclException e )

          // Ignore any TclException's, possibly caused by variable traces on
          // the errorInfo variable. This is compatible with the behavior of
          // the Tcl C API.

          Enclosing_Instance.interp.setVar( "errorCode", null, errorCode, TCL.VarFlag.GLOBAL_ONLY );
        catch ( TclException e )

          // Ignore any TclException's, possibly caused by variable traces on
          // the errorCode variable. This is compatible with the behavior of
          // the Tcl C API.

        // Make sure, that the interpreter will surive the invocation
        // of the bgerror command.



          // Invoke the bgerror command.

          TclObject[] argv = new TclObject[2];
          argv[0] = Enclosing_Instance.bgerrorCmdObj;
          argv[1] = errorMsg;

          Parser.evalObjv( Enclosing_Instance.interp, argv, 0, TCL.EVAL_GLOBAL );
        catch ( TclException e )
          switch ( e.getCompletionCode() )

            case TCL.CompletionCode.ERROR:
                Channel chan = TclIO.getStdChannel( StdChannel.STDERR );

                if ( Enclosing_Instance.interp.getResult().ToString().Equals( "\"bgerror\" is an invalid command name or ambiguous abbreviation" ) )
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, errorInfo );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "\n" );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "bgerror failed to handle background error.\n" );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "    Original error: " );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, errorMsg );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "\n" );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "    Error in bgerror: " );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, Enclosing_Instance.interp.getResult() );
                  chan.write( Enclosing_Instance.interp, "\n" );
                chan.flush( Enclosing_Instance.interp );
              catch ( TclException e1 )

                // Ignore.
              catch ( IOException e2 )

                // Ignore, too.

            case TCL.CompletionCode.BREAK:

              for ( int i = Enclosing_Instance.errors.Count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                BgError bgErr = (BgError)Enclosing_Instance.errors[i];
                Enclosing_Instance.errors.RemoveAt( i );

                bgErr.errorMsg = null;
                bgErr.errorInfo = null;
                bgErr.errorCode = null;


        errorMsg = null;
        errorInfo = null;
        errorCode = null;
    } // end BgErrorMgr.BgError
  } // end BgErrorMgr