corrade-vassal – Rev 1

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* CVS identifier:
* $Id:,v 1.13 2002/07/25 15:08:13 grosbois Exp $
* Class:                   ImgReaderPGX
* Description:             Image Reader for PGX files (custom file format
*                          for VM3A)
* This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and
* Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
* Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
* Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
* Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
* standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
* software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
* Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
* Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
* Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
* 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
* including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
* with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
* or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
* claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
* this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
* their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
* this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
* for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
* or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
* conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
* software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
* software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
* using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
* products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
* derivative works of this software module.
* Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
* */
using System;
using CSJ2K.j2k.image;
using CSJ2K.j2k;
namespace CSJ2K.j2k.image.input
        /// <summary> This class extends the ImgReader abstract class for reading PGX files. PGX
        /// is a custom monochrome file format invented specifically to simplify the
        /// use of JPEG 2000 with images of different bit-depths in the range 1 to 31
        /// bits per pixel.
        /// <p>The file consists of a one line text header followed by the data.</p>
        /// <p>
        /// <u>Header:</u> "PG"+ <i>ws</i> +&lt;<i>endianess</i>&gt;+ <i>ws</i>
        /// +[<i>sign</i>]+<i>ws</i> + &lt;<i>bit-depth</i>&gt;+"
        /// "+&lt;<i>width</i>&gt;+" "+&lt;<i>height</i>&gt;+'\n'</p> 
        /// <p>where:<br>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li><i>ws</i> (white-spaces) is any combination of characters ' ' and
        /// '\t'.</li> 
        /// <li><i>endianess</i> equals "LM" or "ML"(resp. little-endian or
        /// big-endian)</li> 
        /// <li><i>sign</i> equals "+" or "-" (resp. unsigned or signed). If omited,
        /// values are supposed to be unsigned.</li> 
        /// <li><i>bit-depth</i> that can be any number between 1 and 31.</li>
        /// <li><i>width</i> and <i>height</i> are the image dimensions (in
        /// pixels).</li> 
        /// </ul>
        /// <u>Data:</u> The image binary values appear one after the other (in raster
        /// order) immediately after the last header character ('\n') and are
        /// byte-aligned (they are packed into 1,2 or 4 bytes per sample, depending
        /// upon the bit-depth value).
        /// </p>
        /// <p> If the data is unisigned, level shifting is applied subtracting
        /// 2^(bitdepth - 1)</p>
        /// <p>Since it is not possible to know the input file byte-ordering before
        /// reading its header, this class can not be construct from a
        /// RandomAccessIO. So, the constructor has to open first the input file, to
        /// read only its header, and then it can create the appropriate
        /// BufferedRandomAccessFile (Big-Endian or Little-Endian byte-ordering).</p>
        /// <p>NOTE: This class is not thread safe, for reasons of internal
        /// buffering.</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="jj2000.j2k.image.ImgData">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="RandomAccessIO">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="BufferedRandomAccessFile">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="BEBufferedRandomAccessFile">
        /// </seealso>
        public class ImgReaderPGX:ImgReader, EndianType
                /// <summary>The offset of the raw pixel data in the PGX file </summary>
                private int offset;
                /// <summary>The RandomAccessIO where to get datas from </summary>
                //UPGRADE_TODO: Class '' was converted to 'System.IO.FileStream' which has a different behavior. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1073_javaioRandomAccessFile'"
                private System.IO.FileStream in_Renamed;
                /// <summary>The bit-depth of the input file (must be between 1 and 31)</summary>
                private int bitDepth;
                /// <summary>Whether the input datas are signed or not </summary>
                private bool isSigned;
                /// <summary>The pack length of one sample (in bytes, according to the output
                /// bit-depth 
                /// </summary>
                private int packBytes;
                /// <summary>The byte ordering to use, as defined in EndianType </summary>
                private int byteOrder;
                /// <summary>The line buffer. </summary>
                // This makes the class not thrad safe
                // (but it is not the only one making it so)
                private byte[] buf;
                /// <summary>Temporary DataBlkInt object (needed when encoder uses floating-point
                /// filters). This avoid allocating new DataBlk at each time 
                /// </summary>
                private DataBlkInt intBlk;
                /// <summary> Creates a new PGX file reader from the specified File object.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="in">The input file as File object.
                /// </param>
                /// <exception cref="IOException">If an I/O error occurs.
                /// </exception>
                public ImgReaderPGX(System.IO.FileInfo in_Renamed)
                        System.String header;
                        // Check if specified file exists
                        bool tmpBool;
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(in_Renamed.FullName))
                                tmpBool = true;
                                tmpBool = System.IO.Directory.Exists(in_Renamed.FullName);
                        if (!tmpBool)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("PGX file " + in_Renamed.Name + " does not exist");
                        //Opens the given file
                        this.in_Renamed = SupportClass.RandomAccessFileSupport.CreateRandomAccessFile(in_Renamed, "r");
                System.IO.StreamReader in_reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.in_Renamed);
                                //UPGRADE_ISSUE: Method '' was not converted. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1000_javaioRandomAccessFilereadLine'"
                                header = in_reader.ReadLine();
                        catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                        if (header == null)
                                throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is an empty file");
                        offset = (header.Length + 1);
                        //Get informations from header
                        SupportClass.Tokenizer st = new SupportClass.Tokenizer(header);
                                int nTokens = st.Count;
                                // Magic Number
                                if (!(st.NextToken()).Equals("PG"))
                                        throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                                // Endianess
                                System.String tmp = st.NextToken();
                                if (tmp.Equals("LM"))
                                        byteOrder =;
                                else if (tmp.Equals("ML"))
                                        byteOrder =;
                                        throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                                // Unsigned/signed if present in the header
                                if (nTokens == 6)
                                        tmp = st.NextToken();
                                        if (tmp.Equals("+"))
                                                isSigned = false;
                                        else if (tmp.Equals("-"))
                                                isSigned = true;
                                                throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                                // bit-depth, width, height
                                        bitDepth = (System.Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()));
                                        // bitDepth must be between 1 and 31
                                        if ((bitDepth <= 0) || (bitDepth > 31))
                                                throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a valid PGX file");
                                        w = (System.Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()));
                                        h = (System.Int32.Parse(st.NextToken()));
                                catch (System.FormatException)
                                        throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                        catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
                                throw new System.IO.IOException(in_Renamed.Name + " is not a PGX file");
                        // Number of component
                        nc = 1;
                        // Number of bytes per data
                        if (bitDepth <= 8)
                                packBytes = 1;
                        else if (bitDepth <= 16)
                                packBytes = 2;
                        // <= 31
                                packBytes = 4;
                /// <summary> Creates a new PGX file reader from the specified file name.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="inName">The input file name.
                /// </param>
                public ImgReaderPGX(System.String inName):this(new System.IO.FileInfo(inName))
                /// <summary> Closes the underlying RandomAccessIO from where the image data is being
                /// read. No operations are possible after a call to this method.
                /// </summary>
                /// <exception cref="IOException">If an I/O error occurs.
                /// </exception>
                public override void  close()
                        in_Renamed = null;
                        buf = null;
                /// <summary> Returns the number of bits corresponding to the nominal range of the
                /// data in the specified component. This is the value of bitDepth which is
                /// read in the PGX file header.
                /// <P>If this number is <i>b</b> then the nominal range is between
                /// -2^(b-1) and 2^(b-1)-1, for originally signed or unsigned data
                /// (unsigned data is level shifted to have a nominal average of 0).
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> The number of bits corresponding to the nominal range of the
                /// data.
                /// </returns>
                public override int getNomRangeBits(int c)
                        // Check component index
                        if (c != 0)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        return bitDepth;
                /// <summary> Returns the position of the fixed point in the specified component
                /// (i.e. the number of fractional bits), which is always 0 for this
                /// ImgReader.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> The position of the fixed-point (i.e. the number of fractional
                /// bits). Always 0 for this ImgReader.
                /// </returns>
                public override int getFixedPoint(int c)
                        // Check component index
                        if (c != 0)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        return 0;
                /// <summary> Returns, in the blk argument, the block of image data containing the
                /// specifed rectangular area, in the specified component. The data is
                /// returned, as a reference to the internal data, if any, instead of as a
                /// copy, therefore the returned data should not be modified.
                /// <p>After being read the coefficients are level shifted by subtracting
                /// 2^(nominal bit range - 1)<p>
                /// <p>The rectangular area to return is specified by the 'ulx', 'uly', 'w'
                /// and 'h' members of the 'blk' argument, relative to the current
                /// tile. These members are not modified by this method. The 'offset' and
                /// 'scanw' of the returned data can be arbitrary. See the 'DataBlk'
                /// class.</p>
                /// <p>If the data array in <tt>blk</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, then a new one
                /// is created if necessary. The implementation of this interface may
                /// choose to return the same array or a new one, depending on what is more
                /// efficient. Therefore, the data array in <tt>blk</tt> prior to the
                /// method call should not be considered to contain the returned data, a
                /// new array may have been created. Instead, get the array from
                /// <tt>blk</tt> after the method has returned.</p>
                /// <p>The returned data always has its 'progressive' attribute unset
                /// (i.e. false).</p>
                /// <p>When an I/O exception is encountered the JJ2KExceptionHandler is
                /// used. The exception is passed to its handleException method. The action
                /// that is taken depends on the action that has been registered in
                /// JJ2KExceptionHandler. See JJ2KExceptionHandler for details.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="blk">Its coordinates and dimensions specify the area to
                /// return. Some fields in this object are modified to return the data.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component from which to get the data. Only 0
                /// is valid.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> The requested DataBlk
                /// </returns>
                /// <seealso cref="getCompData">
                /// </seealso>
                /// <seealso cref="JJ2KExceptionHandler">
                /// </seealso>
                public override DataBlk getInternCompData(DataBlk blk, int c)
                        int k, j, i, mi; // counters
                        int levShift = 1 << (bitDepth - 1);
                        // Check component index
                        if (c != 0)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        // Check type of block provided as an argument
                        if (blk.DataType != DataBlk.TYPE_INT)
                                if (intBlk == null)
                                        intBlk = new DataBlkInt(blk.ulx, blk.uly, blk.w, blk.h);
                                        intBlk.ulx = blk.ulx;
                                        intBlk.uly = blk.uly;
                                        intBlk.w = blk.w;
                                        intBlk.h = blk.h;
                                blk = intBlk;
                        // Get data array
                        int[] barr = (int[]) blk.Data;
                        if (barr == null || barr.Length < blk.w * blk.h * packBytes)
                                barr = new int[blk.w * blk.h];
                                blk.Data = barr;
                        int paddingLength = (32 - bitDepth);
                        if (buf == null || buf.Length < packBytes * blk.w)
                                buf = new byte[packBytes * blk.w];
                                switch (packBytes)
                                        // Switch between one of the 3 byte packet type
                                        case 1:  // Samples packed into 1 byte
                                                // Read line by line
                                                mi = blk.uly + blk.h;
                                                if (isSigned)
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + i * w + blk.ulx, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w);
                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = blk.w - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                        barr[k] = (((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << paddingLength) >> paddingLength);
                                                        // Not signed
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + i * w + blk.ulx, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w);
                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = blk.w - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                        barr[k] = (SupportClass.URShift(((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << paddingLength), paddingLength)) - levShift;
                                        case 2:  // Samples packed into 2 bytes
                                                // Read line by line
                                                mi = blk.uly + blk.h;
                                                if (isSigned)
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + 2 * (i * w + blk.ulx), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w << 1);
                                                                switch (byteOrder)
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 1) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = ((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[j--] & 0xFF)) << paddingLength) >> paddingLength;
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 1) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (((buf[j--] & 0xFF) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8)) << paddingLength) >> paddingLength;
                                                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Internal JJ2000 bug");
                                                        // If not signed
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + 2 * (i * w + blk.ulx), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w << 1);
                                                                switch (byteOrder)
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 1) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (SupportClass.URShift(((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[j--] & 0xFF)) << paddingLength), paddingLength)) - levShift;
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 1) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (SupportClass.URShift((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8)) << paddingLength), paddingLength)) - levShift;
                                                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Internal JJ2000 bug");
                                        case 4:  // Samples packed into 4 bytes
                                                // Read line by line
                                                mi = blk.uly + blk.h;
                                                if (isSigned)
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + 4 * (i * w + blk.ulx), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w << 2);
                                                                switch (byteOrder)
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 2) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = ((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[j--] & 0xFF)) << paddingLength) >> paddingLength;
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 2) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (((buf[j--] & 0xFF) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 24)) << paddingLength) >> paddingLength;
                                                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Internal JJ2000 bug");
                                                        for (i = blk.uly; i < mi; i++)
                                                                // Reposition in input
                                                                in_Renamed.Seek(offset + 4 * (i * w + blk.ulx), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                                                in_Renamed.Read(buf, 0, blk.w << 2);
                                                                switch (byteOrder)
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 2) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (SupportClass.URShift(((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | (buf[j--] & 0xFF)) << paddingLength), paddingLength)) - levShift;
                                                                                for (k = (i - blk.uly) * blk.w + blk.w - 1, j = (blk.w << 2) - 1; j >= 0; k--)
                                                                                        barr[k] = (SupportClass.URShift((((buf[j--] & 0xFF) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 8) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((buf[j--] & 0xFF) << 24)) << paddingLength), paddingLength)) - levShift;
                                                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Internal JJ2000 bug");
                                                throw new System.IO.IOException("PGX supports only bit-depth between" + " 1 and 31");
                        catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                        // Turn off the progressive attribute
               = false;
                        // Set buffer attributes
                        blk.offset = 0;
                        blk.scanw = blk.w;
                        return blk;
                /// <summary> Returns, in the blk argument, a block of image data containing the
                /// specifed rectangular area, in the specified component. The data is
                /// returned, as a copy of the internal data, therefore the returned data
                /// can be modified "in place".
                /// <p>After being read the coefficients are level shifted by subtracting
                /// 2^(nominal bit range - 1)
                /// <p>The rectangular area to return is specified by the 'ulx', 'uly', 'w'
                /// and 'h' members of the 'blk' argument, relative to the current
                /// tile. These members are not modified by this method. The 'offset' of
                /// the returned data is 0, and the 'scanw' is the same as the block's
                /// width. See the 'DataBlk' class.</p>
                /// <p>If the data array in 'blk' is 'null', then a new one is created. If
                /// the data array is not 'null' then it is reused, and it must be large
                /// enough to contain the block's data. Otherwise an 'ArrayStoreException'
                /// or an 'IndexOutOfBoundsException' is thrown by the Java system.</p>
                /// <p>The returned data has its 'progressive' attribute unset
                /// (i.e. false).</p>
                /// <p>This method just calls 'getInternCompData(blk,c)'.</p>
                /// <P>When an I/O exception is encountered the JJ2KExceptionHandler is
                /// used. The exception is passed to its handleException method. The action
                /// that is taken depends on the action that has been registered in
                /// JJ2KExceptionHandler. See JJ2KExceptionHandler for details.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="blk">Its coordinates and dimensions specify the area to
                /// return. If it contains a non-null data array, then it must have the
                /// correct dimensions. If it contains a null data array a new one is
                /// created. The fields in this object are modified to return the data.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component from which to get the data. Only 0
                /// is valid.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> The requested DataBlk
                /// </returns>
                /// <seealso cref="getInternCompData">
                /// </seealso>
                /// <seealso cref="JJ2KExceptionHandler">
                /// </seealso>
                public override DataBlk getCompData(DataBlk blk, int c)
                        return getInternCompData(blk, c);
                /// <summary> Returns true if the data read was originally signed in the specified
                /// component, false if not.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component, from 0 to N-1.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> true if the data was originally signed, false if not.
                /// </returns>
                public override bool isOrigSigned(int c)
                        // Check component index
                        if (c != 0)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        return isSigned;
                /// <summary> Returns a string of information about the object, more than 1 line
                /// long. The information string includes information from the underlying
                /// RandomAccessIO (its toString() method is called in turn).
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> A string of information about the object.
                /// </returns>
                public override System.String ToString()
                        //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                        return "ImgReaderPGX: WxH = " + w + "x" + h + ", Component = 0" + ", Bit-depth = " + bitDepth + ", signed = " + isSigned + "\nUnderlying RandomAccessIO:\n" + in_Renamed.ToString();

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