corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 20

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/*Taken from*/
 * This is a straightforward implementation of The Game of Life
 * See's_Game_of_Life
package life

 * A field where cells live. Effectively immutable
class Field(
        val width: Int,
        val height: Int,
        // This function tells the constructor which cells are alive
        // if init(i, j) is true, the cell (i, j) is alive
        init: (Int, Int) -> Boolean
) {
    private val live: Array<Array<Boolean>> = Array(height) { i -> Array(width) { j -> init(i, j) } }

    private fun liveCount(i: Int, j: Int)
            = if (i in 0..height - 1 &&
            j in 0..width - 1 &&
            live[i][j]) 1 else 0

    // How many neighbors of (i, j) are alive?
    fun liveNeighbors(i: Int, j: Int) =
            liveCount(i - 1, j - 1) +
                    liveCount(i - 1, j) +
                    liveCount(i - 1, j + 1) +
                    liveCount(i, j - 1) +
                    liveCount(i, j + 1) +
                    liveCount(i + 1, j - 1) +
                    liveCount(i + 1, j) +
                    liveCount(i + 1, j + 1)

    // You can say field[i, j], and this function gets called
    operator fun get(i: Int, j: Int) = live[i][j]

 * This function takes the present state of the field
 * and returns a new field representing the next moment of time
fun next(field: Field): Field {
    return Field(field.width, field.height) { i, j ->
        val n = field.liveNeighbors(i, j)
        if (field[i, j])
        // (i, j) is alive
            n in 2..3 // It remains alive iff it has 2 or 3 neighbors
        // (i, j) is dead
            n == 3 // A new cell is born if there are 3 neighbors alive

/** A few colony examples here */
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Simplistic demo
    runGameOfLife("***", 3)
    // "Star burst"
    """, 10)
    // Stable colony
    """, 3)
    // Stable from the step 2
    """, 3)
    // Oscillating colony
    """, 6)
    // A fancier oscillating colony
    """, 10)


fun runGameOfLife(fieldText: String, steps: Int) {
    var field = makeField(fieldText)
    for (step in 1..steps) {
        println("Step: $step")
        for (i in 0..field.height - 1) {
            for (j in 0..field.width - 1) {
                print(if (field[i, j]) "*" else " ")
        field = next(field)

fun makeField(s: String): Field {
    val lines = s.replace(" ", "").split('\n').filter({ it.isNotEmpty() })
    val longestLine = lines.toList().maxBy { it.length } ?: ""

    return Field(longestLine.length, lines.size) { i, j -> lines[i][j] == '*' }