corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 20

Subversion Repositories:
# Compiling CSS and JavaScript []({{ site.repo }}/blob/develop/docs/_i18n/{{ site.lang }}/getting-started/


Bootstrap table uses [Grunt]( for its build system, with convenient methods for working with the framework. It's how we compile our code, run tests, and more.

## Installing Grunt

To install Grunt, you must **first** [download and install node.js]( (which includes npm). npm stands for [node packaged modules]( and is a way to manage development dependencies through node.js.

Then, from the command line:

1. Install `grunt-cli` globally with `npm install -g grunt-cli`.
2. Navigate to the root `/bootstrap-table/` directory, then run `npm install`. npm will look at the `package.json` file and automatically install the necessary local dependencies listed there.

When completed, you'll be able to run the various Grunt commands provided from the command line.

## Available Grunt commands

### `grunt dist` (Just compile CSS and JavaScript)

Regenerates the `/dist/` directory with compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript files. As a Bootstrap user, this is normally the command you want.

### `grunt test` (Run tests)

Runs [JSHint]( to test our code.

### `grunt docs` (Build & test the docs assets)

Builds and tests CSS, JavaScript, and other assets which are used when running the documentation locally via `jekyll serve`.

### `grunt` (Build absolutely everything and run tests)

Compiles and minifies CSS and JavaScript, builds the documentation website, runs the HTML5 validator against the docs, regenerates the Customizer assets, and more. Requires [Jekyll](

## Troubleshooting

Should you encounter problems with installing dependencies or running Grunt commands, first delete the `/node_modules/` directory generated by npm. Then, rerun `npm install`.

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