corrade-lsl-templates – Rev 10

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########################## START CONFIGURATION ############################

# This is a configuration notecard based on the key-value data Wizardry and
# Steamworks reader. Everything following the "#" character is ignored
# along with blank lines. Values can be set for various parameters in a
# simple and understandable format with the following syntax: 
# KEY =  "VALUE"
# Every time you change this configuration notecard, the script will reset
# itself and the new configuration will be read from this notecard.

# The "corrade", "group" and "password" settings must correspond to your
# settings in Corrade.ini otherwise the script will not work at all.

# Set this to the UUID of the Corrade bot.
# Corrade Resident
corrade = "2783a9d0-7e5d-4598-b127-d88ebdf1091d"

# The name of the group - it can also be the UUID of the group.
group = "My Group"

# The password for the group.
password = "mypassword"

# The version that this template is compatible with.
version = 9.163

# The character to use for commands.
command = @

# The range for the dice rolling command (inclusive).
roll range = 3,64

# The roles that are eligible for administrative group functions.
admin roles = Owners,Officers,Ecto

# Restrict wiki operations to admin roles.
restricted wiki = True

########################### END CONFIGURATION #############################