corrade-http-templates – Rev 57

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<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Dialog Visual Test</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../themes/base/all.css">
        <script src="../../../external/requirejs/require.js"></script>
        <script src="../../../demos/bootstrap.js">
                var iframeDialog = $( "#dialog-iframe" ).dialog({
                                position: {
                                        my: "right-90 center"
                                height: 400

                        scrollingDialog = $( "#dialog-scrolling" ).dialog({
                                maxHeight: 200,
                                position: {
                                        my: "left+90 center"

                        otherDialog = $( "#dialog-other" ).dialog({
                                width: 200,
                                height: 150

<p>WHAT: Two dialogs, one embedding an iframe, one having just scrollable content.</p>
<p>EXPECTED: When focusing on one or the other dialog, it shouldn't affect how the content is displayed on the other dialog. It shouldn't reload the iframe or reset the scroll.</p>

<div id="dialog-iframe" title="Dialog that embeds an iframe">
        <iframe src="animated.html" height="400"></iframe>

<div id="dialog-scrolling" title="Dialog with scroll">
        <p style="height:600px;background:#eee">a bunch of content</p>

<div id="dialog-other" title="placeholder">Just another dialog to test stacking</div>
