corrade-http-templates – Rev 57

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define( [
], function( QUnit, $, testHelper ) {

QUnit.module( "draggable: core" );

QUnit.test( "element types", function( assert ) {
        var typeNames = (
                        "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,blockquote,ol,ul,dl,div,form" +
                        ",table,fieldset,address,ins,del,em,strong,q,cite,dfn,abbr" +
                        ",acronym,code,samp,kbd,var,img,hr" +
                ).split( "," );

        assert.expect( typeNames.length * 2 );

        $.each( typeNames, function( i ) {
                var offsetBefore, offsetAfter,
                        typeName = typeNames[ i ],
                        el = $( document.createElement( typeName ) ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" );

                if ( typeName === "table" ) {
                        el.append( "<tr><td>content</td></tr>" );

                el.draggable( { cancel: "" } );
                offsetBefore = el.offset();
                el.simulate( "drag", {
                        dx: 50,
                        dy: 50
                } );
                offsetAfter = el.offset();

                // Support: FF, Chrome, and IE9,
                // there are some rounding errors in so we can't say equal, we have to settle for close enough
                assert.close( offsetBefore.left, offsetAfter.left - 50, 1, "dragged[50, 50] " + "<" + typeName + "> left" );
                assert.close(, - 50, 1, "dragged[50, 50] " + "<" + typeName + "> top" );
                el.draggable( "destroy" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "No options, relative", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );
        testHelper.shouldMove( assert, $( "#draggable1" ).draggable(), "no options, relative" );
} );

QUnit.test( "No options, absolute", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );
        testHelper.shouldMove( assert, $( "#draggable2" ).draggable(), "no options, absolute" );
} );

QUnit.test( "resizable handle with complex markup (#8756 / #8757)", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        $( "#draggable1" )
                        $( "<div>" )
                                .addClass( "ui-resizable-handle ui-resizable-w" )
                                .append( $( "<div>" ) )

        var handle = $( ".ui-resizable-w div" ),
                target = $( "#draggable1" ).draggable().resizable( { handles: "all" } );

        // Todo: fix resizable so it doesn't require a mouseover
        handle.simulate( "mouseover" ).simulate( "drag", { dx: -50 } );
        assert.equal( target.width(), 250, "compare width" );

        // Todo: fix resizable so it doesn't require a mouseover
        handle.simulate( "mouseover" ).simulate( "drag", { dx: 50 } );
        assert.equal( target.width(), 200, "compare width" );
} );

QUnit.test( "#8269: Removing draggable element on drop", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "#draggable1" ).wrap( "<div id='wrapper' />" ).draggable( {
                        stop: function() {
                                assert.ok( true, "stop still called despite element being removed from DOM on drop" );
                } ),
                dropOffset = $( "#droppable" ).offset();

        $( "#droppable" ).droppable( {
                drop: function() {
                        $( "#wrapper" ).remove();
                        assert.ok( true, "element removed from DOM on drop" );
        } );

        // Support: Opera 12.10, Safari 5.1, jQuery <1.8
        if ( testHelper.unreliableContains ) {
                assert.ok( true, "Opera <12.14 and Safari <6.0 report wrong values for $.contains in jQuery < 1.8" );
                assert.ok( true, "Opera <12.14 and Safari <6.0 report wrong values for $.contains in jQuery < 1.8" );
        } else {
                element.simulate( "drag", {
                        handle: "corner",
                        x: dropOffset.left,
                } );
} );

// drag element breaks in IE8 when its content is replaced onmousedown
QUnit.test( "Stray mousemove after mousedown still drags", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "#draggable1" ).draggable( { scroll: false } );

        // In IE8, when content is placed under the mouse (e.g. when draggable content is replaced
        // on mousedown), mousemove is triggered on those elements even though the mouse hasn't moved.
        // Support: IE <9
        element.on( "mousedown", function() {
                $( document ).simulate( "mousemove", { button: -1 } );
        } );

        testHelper.shouldMove( assert, element, "element is draggable" );
} );

QUnit.test( "#6258: not following mouse when scrolled and using overflow-y: scroll", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "#draggable1" ).draggable( {
                        stop: function( event, ui ) {
                                assert.equal( ui.position.left, 1, "left position is correct despite overflow on HTML" );
                                assert.equal(, 1, "top position is correct despite overflow on HTML" );
                                $( "html" )
                                        .css( "overflow-y", oldOverflowY )
                                        .css( "overflow-x", oldOverflowX )
                                        .scrollTop( 0 )
                                        .scrollLeft( 0 );
                } ),
                oldOverflowY = $( "html" ).css( "overflow-y" ),
                oldOverflowX = $( "html" ).css( "overflow-x" );


                $( "html" )
                        .css( "overflow-y", "scroll" )
                        .css( "overflow-x", "scroll" )
                        .scrollTop( 300 )
                        .scrollLeft( 300 );

                element.simulate( "drag", {
                        dx: 1,
                        dy: 1,
                        moves: 1
                } );
} );

QUnit.test( "#9315: jumps down with offset of scrollbar", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "#draggable2" ).draggable( {
                        stop: function( event, ui ) {
                                assert.equal( ui.position.left, 11, "left position is correct when position is absolute" );
                                assert.equal(, 11, "top position is correct when position is absolute" );
                                $( "html" ).scrollTop( 0 ).scrollLeft( 0 );
                } );


                $( "html" ).scrollTop( 300 ).scrollLeft( 300 );

                element.simulate( "drag", {
                        dx: 1,
                        dy: 1,
                        moves: 1
                } );
} );

QUnit.test( "scroll offset with fixed ancestors", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var startValue = 300,
                element = $( "#draggable1" )

                        // scroll not working with parent's position fixed
                        .wrap( "<div id='wrapper' />" )

                        // abspos elements inside of fixed elements moving away from the mouse when scrolling
                        .wrap( "<div id='wrapper2' />" )
                        .draggable( {
                                drag: function() {
                                        startValue += 100;
                                        $( document ).scrollTop( startValue ).scrollLeft( startValue );
                                stop: function( event, ui ) {
                                        assert.equal( ui.position.left, 10, "left position is correct when parent position is fixed" );
                                        assert.equal(, 10, "top position is correct when parent position is fixed" );
                                        $( document ).scrollTop( 0 ).scrollLeft( 0 );
                        } );


        $( "#wrapper" ).css( "position", "fixed" );
        $( "#wrapper2" ).css( "position", "absolute" );

        element.simulate( "drag", {
                dx: 10,
                dy: 10,
                moves: 3
        } );
} );

$( [ "hidden", "auto", "scroll" ] ).each( function() {
        var overflow = this;

        // Http:// - position bug in scrollable div
        // - Wrong position in a parent with "overflow: hidden"
        QUnit.test( "position in scrollable parent with overflow: " + overflow, function( assert ) {
                assert.expect( 2 );

                $( "#qunit-fixture" ).html( "<div id='outer'><div id='inner'></div><div id='dragged'>a</div></div>" );
                $( "#inner" ).css( { position: "absolute", width: "500px", height: "500px" } );
                $( "#outer" ).css( { position: "absolute", width: "300px", height: "300px" } );
                $( "#dragged" ).css( { width: "10px", height: "10px" } );

                var moves = 3,
                        startValue = 0,
                        dragDelta = 20,
                        delta = 100,

                        // We scroll after each drag event, so subtract 1 from number of moves for expected
                        expected = delta + ( ( moves - 1 ) * dragDelta ),
                        element = $( "#dragged" ).draggable( {
                                drag: function() {
                                        startValue += dragDelta;
                                        $( "#outer" ).scrollTop( startValue ).scrollLeft( startValue );
                                stop: function( event, ui ) {
                                        assert.equal( ui.position.left, expected, "left position is correct when grandparent is scrolled" );
                                        assert.equal(, expected, "top position is correct when grandparent is scrolled" );
                        } );

                $( "#outer" ).css( "overflow", overflow );

                element.simulate( "drag", {
                        dy: delta,
                        dx: delta,
                        moves: moves
                } );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "#5727: draggable from iframe", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 1 );

        var iframeBody, draggable1,
                iframe = $( "<iframe />" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
                iframeDoc = ( iframe[ 0 ].contentWindow || iframe[ 0 ].contentDocument ).document;

        iframeDoc.write( "<!doctype html><html><body>" );

        iframeBody = $( iframeDoc.body ).append( "<div style='width: 2px; height: 2px;' />" );
        draggable1 = iframeBody.find( "div" );


        assert.equal( draggable1.closest( iframeBody ).length, 1 );

        // TODO: fix draggable within an IFRAME to fire events on the element properly
        // and these testHelper.shouldMove relies on events for testing
        //testHelper.shouldMove( assert, draggable1, "draggable from an iframe" );
} );

QUnit.test( "#8399: A draggable should become the active element after you are finished interacting with it, but not before.", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "<a href='#'>link</a>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).draggable();

        $( document ).one( "mousemove", function() {
                assert.notStrictEqual( document.activeElement, element.get( 0 ), "moving a draggable anchor did not make it the active element" );
        } );

        testHelper.move( element, 50, 50 );

        assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, element.get( 0 ), "finishing moving a draggable anchor made it the active element" );
} );

QUnit.test( "blur behavior - handle is main element", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 3 );

        var element = $( "#draggable1" ).draggable(),
                focusElement = $( "<div tabindex='1'></div>" ).appendTo( element );

        testHelper.onFocus( focusElement, function() {
                assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is focused before mousing down on a draggable" );

                testHelper.move( focusElement, 1, 1 );

                // Http://
                // Draggable: Can't select option in modal dialog (IE8)
                assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is focused after mousing down on itself" );

                testHelper.move( element, 50, 50 );

                // Http://
                // active element should blur when mousing down on a draggable
                assert.notStrictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is no longer focused after mousing down on a draggable" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "blur behavior - descendant of handle", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var element = $( "#draggable2" ).draggable( { handle: "span" } ),

                // The handle is a descendant, but we also want to grab a descendant of the handle
                handle = element.find( "span em" ),
                focusElement = $( "<div tabindex='1'></div>" ).appendTo( element );

        testHelper.onFocus( focusElement, function() {
                assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is focused before mousing down on a draggable" );

                testHelper.move( handle, 50, 50 );

                // Elements outside of the handle should blur (#12472, #14905)
                assert.notStrictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is no longer focused after mousing down on a draggable" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "blur behavior - off handle", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 3 );

        var element = $( "#draggable2" ).draggable( { handle: "span" } ),
                focusElement = $( "<div tabindex='1'></div>" ).appendTo( element );

        // Mock $.ui.safeBlur with a spy
        var _safeBlur = $.ui.safeBlur;
        var blurCalledCount = 0;
        $.ui.safeBlur = function() {

        testHelper.onFocus( focusElement, function() {
                assert.strictEqual( document.activeElement, focusElement.get( 0 ), "test element is focused before mousing down on a draggable" );

                testHelper.move( element, 1, 1 );
                assert.strictEqual( blurCalledCount, 0, "draggable doesn't blur when mousing down off handle" );

                testHelper.move( element.find( "span" ), 1, 1 );
                assert.strictEqual( blurCalledCount, 1, "draggable blurs when mousing down on handle" );

                // Restore safeBlur
                $.ui.safeBlur = _safeBlur;

        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "ui-draggable-handle assigned to appropriate element", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 5 );

        var p = $( "<p>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
                element = $( "<div><p></p></div>" ).appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ).draggable();
        assert.hasClasses( element, "ui-draggable-handle" );

        element.draggable( "option", "handle", "p" );
        assert.lacksClasses( element, "ui-draggable-handle" );
        assert.hasClasses( element.find( "p" ), "ui-draggable-handle",
                "ensure handle class name is constrained within the draggble (#10212)" );
        assert.lacksClasses( p, "ui-draggable-handle" );

        element.draggable( "destroy" );
        assert.lacksClasses( element.find( "p" ), "ui-draggable-handle" );
} );

QUnit.test( "ui-draggable-handle managed correctly in nested draggables", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 4 );
        var parent = $( "<div><div></div></div>" ).draggable().appendTo( "#qunit-fixture" ),
                child = parent.find( "div" ).draggable();

        assert.hasClasses( parent, "ui-draggable-handle", "parent has class name on init" );
        assert.hasClasses( child, "ui-draggable-handle", "child has class name on init" );

        parent.draggable( "destroy" );
        assert.lacksClasses( parent, "ui-draggable-handle", "parent loses class name on destroy" );
        assert.hasClasses( child, "ui-draggable-handle", "child retains class name on destroy" );
} );

// Support: IE 8 only
// IE 8 implements DOM Level 2 Events which only has events bubble up to the document.
// We skip this test since it would be impossible for it to pass in such an environment.
QUnit[ document.documentMode === 8 ? "skip" : "test" ](
        "does not stop propagation to window",
        function( assert ) {
                assert.expect( 1 );
                var element = $( "#draggable1" ).draggable();

                var handler = function() {
                        assert.ok( true, "mouseup propagates to window" );
                $( window ).on( "mouseup", handler );

                element.simulate( "drag", {
                        dx: 10,
                        dy: 10
                } );

                $( window ).off( "mouseup", handler );

} );