corrade-http-templates – Rev 57

Subversion Repositories:
define( [
], function( QUnit, $ ) {

QUnit.module( "Checkboxradio: core" );

QUnit.test( "Checkbox - Initial class structure", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );
        var input = $( "#check" ),
                label = $( "label[for=check]" );

        assert.hasClasses( input, "ui-helper-hidden-accessible ui-checkboxradio" );
        assert.hasClasses( label, "ui-button ui-widget ui-checkboxradio-label ui-corner-all" );
} );

QUnit.test( "Radios - Initial class structure", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 6 );
        var inputs = $( "#radio0 input" ),
                labels = $( "#radio0 label" );

        inputs.each( function() {
                assert.hasClasses( this, "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
        } );
        labels.each( function() {
                assert.hasClasses( this, "ui-button" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "Ensure checked after single click on checkbox label button", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 2 );

        $( "#check2" ).checkboxradio().change( function() {
                var label = $( this ).checkboxradio( "widget" );
                assert.ok( this.checked, "checked ok" );

                assert.hasClasses( label, "ui-state-active" );
        } );

        // Support: Opera
        // Opera doesn't trigger a change event when this is done synchronously.
        // This seems to be a side effect of another test, but until that can be
        // tracked down, this delay will have to do.
        setTimeout( function() {
                $( "#check2" ).checkboxradio( "widget" ).simulate( "click" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "Handle form association via form attribute", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 4 );

        var radio1 = $( "#crazy-form-1" ).checkboxradio();
        var radio1Label = radio1.checkboxradio( "widget" );
        var radio2 = $( "#crazy-form-2" ).checkboxradio();
        var radio2Label = radio2.checkboxradio( "widget" );

        radio2.change( function() {
                assert.ok( this.checked, "#2 checked" );
                assert.ok( !radio1[ 0 ].checked, "#1 not checked" );

                assert.hasClasses( radio2Label, "ui-state-active" );
                assert.lacksClasses( radio1Label, "ui-state-active" );
        } );

        radio2Label.simulate( "click" );
} );

QUnit.test( "Checkbox creation requires a label, and finds it in all cases", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );
        var groups = [
                "<span><label for='t7092a'></label><input type='checkbox' id='t7092a'></span>",
                "<span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092b'><label for='t7092b'></label></span>",
                "<span><span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092c'></span><label for='t7092c'></label></span>",
                "<span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092d'></span><span><label for='t7092d'></label></span>",
                "<span><input type='checkbox' id='t7092e'><span><label for='t7092e'></label></span></span>",
                "<span><label><input type='checkbox' id='t7092f'></label></span>",
                "<span><input type='checkbox' id='check:7534'><label for='check:7534'>Label</label></span>"

        $.each( groups, function( index, markup ) {
                var group = $( markup );

                group.find( "input[type=checkbox]" ).checkboxradio();
                assert.hasClasses( group.find( "label" ), "ui-button" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "Calling checkboxradio on an unsupported element throws an error", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var errorMessage =
                "Can't create checkboxradio on element.nodeName=div and element.type=undefined";
        var error = new Error( errorMessage );
                function() {
                        $( "<div>" ).checkboxradio();

                // Support: jQuery 1.7.0 only
                $.fn.jquery === "1.7" ? errorMessage : error,
                "Proper error thrown"

        errorMessage = "Can't create checkboxradio on element.nodeName=input and element.type=button";
        error = new Error( errorMessage );
                function() {
                        $( "<input type='button'>" ).checkboxradio();

                // Support: jQuery 1.7.0 only
                $.fn.jquery === "1.7" ? errorMessage : error,
                "Proper error thrown"
} );

QUnit.test( "Calling checkboxradio on an input with no label throws an error", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 1 );

        var errorMessage = "No label found for checkboxradio widget";
        var error = new Error( errorMessage );
                function() {
                        $( "<input type='checkbox'>" ).checkboxradio();

                // Support: jQuery 1.7.0 only
                $.fn.jquery === "1.7" ? errorMessage : error,
                "Proper error thrown"
} );

} );