corrade-http-templates – Rev 62

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define( [
], function( QUnit, $, testHelper ) {

QUnit.module( "sortable: events" );

QUnit.test( "start", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                start: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 10
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "start event triggered" );
        assert.ok( hash.helper, "UI hash includes: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

        // Todo: see if these events should actually have sane values in them
        assert.ok( "position" in hash, "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( "offset" in hash, "UI hash includes: offset" );
} );

QUnit.test( "sort", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                sort: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 10
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "sort event triggered" );
        assert.ok( hash.helper, "UI hash includes: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

} );

QUnit.test( "change", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 8 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                change: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dx: 1,
                dy: 1
        } );

        assert.ok( !hash, "1px drag, change event should not be triggered" );

        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                change: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 22
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "change event triggered" );
        assert.ok( hash.helper, "UI hash includes: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

} );

QUnit.test( "beforeStop", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                beforeStop: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 20
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "beforeStop event triggered" );
        assert.ok( hash.helper, "UI hash includes: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

} );

QUnit.test( "stop", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                stop: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 20
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "stop event triggered" );
        assert.ok( !hash.helper, "UI should not include: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

} );

QUnit.test( "update", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 8 );

        var hash;
        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                update: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dx: 1,
                dy: 1
        } );

        assert.ok( !hash, "1px drag, update event should not be triggered" );

        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                update: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 22
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "update event triggered" );
        assert.ok( !hash.helper, "UI hash should not include: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI hash does not include: sender" );

} );

QUnit.test( "#3019: Stop fires too early", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var helper = null,
                el = $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                        stop: function( event, ui ) {
                                helper = ui.helper;
                } );

        testHelper.sort( assert, $( "li", el )[ 0 ], 0, 44, 2, "Dragging the sortable" );
        assert.equal( helper, null, "helper should be false" );

} );

QUnit.test( "#4752: link event firing on sortable with connect list", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 10 );

        var fired = {},
                hasFired = function( type ) { return ( type in fired ) && ( true === fired[ type ] ); };

        $( "#sortable" ).clone().attr( "id", "sortable2" ).insertAfter( "#sortable" );

        $( "#qunit-fixture ul" ).sortable( {
                connectWith: "#qunit-fixture ul",
                change: function() {
                        fired.change = true;
                receive: function() {
                        fired.receive = true;
                remove: function() {
                        fired.remove = true;
        } );

        $( "#qunit-fixture ul" ).on( "click.ui-sortable-test", function() {
       = true;
        } );

        $( "#sortable li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "click" );
        assert.ok( !hasFired( "change" ), "Click only, change event should not have fired" );
        assert.ok( hasFired( "click" ), "Click event should have fired" );

        // Drag an item within the first list
        fired = {};
        $( "#sortable li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", { dx: 0, dy: 40 } );
        assert.ok( hasFired( "change" ), "40px drag, change event should have fired" );
        assert.ok( !hasFired( "receive" ), "Receive event should not have fired" );
        assert.ok( !hasFired( "remove" ), "Remove event should not have fired" );
        assert.ok( !hasFired( "click" ), "Click event should not have fired" );

        // Drag an item from the first list to the second, connected list
        fired = {};
        $( "#sortable li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", { dx: 0, dy: 150 } );
        assert.ok( hasFired( "change" ), "150px drag, change event should have fired" );
        assert.ok( hasFired( "receive" ), "Receive event should have fired" );
        assert.ok( hasFired( "remove" ), "Remove event should have fired" );
        assert.ok( !hasFired( "click" ), "Click event should not have fired" );
} );

Test("receive", function() {
        ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");

test("remove", function() {
        ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");

QUnit.test( "over", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 8 );

        var hash,
                overCount = 0;

        $( "#sortable" ).sortable( {
                over: function( e, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 20
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "over event triggered" );
        assert.ok( hash.helper, "UI includes: helper" );
        assert.ok( hash.placeholder, "UI hash includes: placeholder" );
        assert.ok( hash.position && ( "top" in hash.position && "left" in hash.position ), "UI hash includes: position" );
        assert.ok( hash.offset && ( && hash.offset.left ), "UI hash includes: offset" );
        assert.ok( hash.item, "UI hash includes: item" );
        assert.ok( hash.sender, "UI hash includes: sender" );
        assert.equal( overCount, 1, "over fires only once" );
} );

// Sortable: over & out events does not consistently fire
QUnit.test( "over, fires with draggable connected to sortable", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 3 );

        var hash,
                overCount = 0,
                item = $( "<div></div>" ).text( "6" ).insertAfter( "#sortable" );

        item.draggable( {
                connectToSortable: "#sortable"
        } );
        $( ".connectWith" ).sortable( {
                connectWith: ".connectWith",
                over: function( event, ui ) {
                        hash = ui;
        } );

        item.simulate( "drag", {
                dy: -20
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "over event triggered" );
        assert.ok( !hash.sender, "UI should not include: sender" );
        assert.equal( overCount, 1, "over fires only once" );
} );

QUnit.test( "over, with connected sortable", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 3 );

        var hash,
                overCount = 0;

        $( ".connectWith" ).sortable( {
                connectWith: ".connectWith"
        } );
        $( "#sortable2" ).on( "sortover", function( event, ui ) {
                hash = ui;
        } );
        $( "#sortable" ).find( "li:eq(0)" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 102
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "over event triggered" );
        assert.equal( hash.sender[ 0 ], $( " #sortable" )[ 0 ], "UI includes: sender" );
        assert.equal( overCount, 1, "over fires only once" );
} );

Test("out", function() {
        ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");

QUnit.test( "out, with connected sortable", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var hash,
                outCount = 0;

        $( ".connectWith" ).sortable( {
                connectWith: ".connectWith"
        } );
        $( "#sortable" ).on( "sortout", function( event, ui ) {
                hash = ui;
        } );
        $( "#sortable" ).find( "li:last" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 40
        } );

        assert.ok( hash, "out event triggered" );
        assert.equal( outCount, 1, "out fires only once" );
} );

QUnit.test( "repeated out & over between connected sortables", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 2 );

        var outCount = 0,
                overCount = 0;

        $( ".connectWith" ).sortable( {
                connectWith: ".connectWith",
                over: function() {
                out: function( event, ui ) {

                        // Ignore events that trigger when an item has dropped
                        // checking for the presence of the helper.
                        if ( !ui.helper ) {
        } );
        $( "#sortable" ).find( "li:last" ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: 40
        } ).simulate( "drag", {
                dy: -40
        } );

        assert.equal( outCount, 2, "out fires twice" );
        assert.equal( overCount, 4, "over fires four times" );
} );

Test("activate", function() {
        ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");

test("deactivate", function() {
        ok(false, "missing test - untested code is broken code.");

} );