
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 19  →  ?path2? @ 20
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
###### BUGS
* Don't skip custom validators on empty fields (#334)
* Defer remote validation while request is still pending. (#72)
* Refactor validators to optionally return promises. (#131) (#177) (#275)
* use Element.setCustomValidity() for non-native validators (#450)
* DOCS: Give custom validators own example section (#380)
* Improve invalid/valid error events, add post-delay events.
- include events for whole form validate/validated, change current validate/validated/invalid/valid to fieldvalidate etc.
- [error/errored] [success/successed] in addition to [valid/invalid], upon displaying or clearing an error
- add whether or not field is valid in [] event.detail
- add events on `.validator('validate')`, including whole form validity in `event.detail`
* ^ Add a way to reliably determine if form is valid or invalid upon submit. (#67)
* Add a class to the form to indicate validity state. (#260)
* Change remote validator to use response body as error message.