
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 14  →  ?path2? @ 15
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
~~~~~~~~~ Corrade Eggdrop ~~~~~~~~~
Syntax: @<command> [OPTIONS]
@ai <message> - Talk to Corrade.
@stitch <version> - Upgrade or downgrade Corrade.
@roll <number> - Roll a dice with <number> sides.
@spank <name> - Spank a group member.
@wiki <get|set|dir|find> - Group Wiki commands.
@fortune - Get a random fortune cookie.
@joke - Get a random joke.
@eval <expression> - Evaluate a mathematical expression.
@ban <first> <last> [nosoft] - Ban an avata by name.
@unban <first> <last> [nosoft] - Unban an avata by name.
@softban <first> <last> [time] - Soft ban an avatar for minutes time.
@softunban <first> <last> - Soft unban an avatar.
@invite <first> <last> - Invite agent to group by name.
@motd [message] - Get or set the group MOTD greeting.
@notice (subject) (message) (attachment) - Send a notice.
@version - Retrieve the Corrade version.
@help - This help message.
~~~~~~~~~ Corrade Eggdrop ~~~~~~~~~