
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 23  →  ?path2? @ 24
@@ -7,15 +7,20 @@
-:[ Requirements ]:-
* A WebGL enabled browser: Chome, Opera, Firefox, Safari...
* A webserver.
* PHP version 5 and beyond.
* the gd extension (libgd).
* the curl extension.
-:[ Setup ]:-
1.) Edit "config.php" to reflect your settings in Corrade.ini
1.) Rename "config.php.dist" to "config.php" and edit "config.php"
to reflect your settings in Corrade.ini
2.) Enable the Corrade permissions for your configured group:
* land
* interact
3.) Place the all the files in a directory on your webserver.
4.) Naviage to the renderMapAvatars.html and enjoy.
4.) Navigate to renderMapAvatars.html and enjoy.
-:[ References ]:-