
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 125  →  ?path2? @ 126
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
* This test case is based on the test data linked at
* and provided by Rob Strading of Comodo.
* @link
class CheckPublicSuffixTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var \Aura\Uri\PublicSuffixList
protected $psl;
protected function setUp()
$file = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. 'public-suffix-list.php';
$this->psl = new PublicSuffixList(require $file);
public function testPublicSuffixSpec()
// Test data from Rob Stradling at Comodo
// null input.
$this->checkPublicSuffix(null, null);
// Mixed case.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('COM', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('example.COM', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('WwW.example.COM', '');
// Leading dot.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('.com', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('.example', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('.example.example', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('localhost', null);
// Unlisted TLD.
// Addresses algorithm rule #2: If no rules match, the prevailing rule is "*".
$this->checkPublicSuffix('example', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('example.example', 'example.example');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('b.example.example', 'example.example');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('a.b.example.example', 'example.example');
// TLD with only 1 rule.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('biz', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
// TLD with some 2-level rules.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('com', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
// TLD with only 1 (wildcard) rule.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('cy', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
// More complex TLD.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('jp', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
// TLD with a wildcard rule and exceptions.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('om', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
// US K12.
$this->checkPublicSuffix('us', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', null);
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
$this->checkPublicSuffix('', '');
* This is my version of the checkPublicSuffix function referred to in the
* test instructions at the Public Suffix List project.
* "You will need to define a checkPublicSuffix() function which takes as a
* parameter a domain name and the public suffix, runs your implementation
* on the domain name and checks the result is the public suffix expected."
* @link
* @param string $input Domain and public suffix
* @param string $expected Expected result
public function checkPublicSuffix($input, $expected)
$this->assertSame($expected, $this->psl->getRegisterableDomain($input));
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
class HostTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var \Aura\Uri\Host
protected $host;
protected function setUp()
$file = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. 'public-suffix-list.php';
$psl = new PublicSuffixList(require $file);
$this->host = new Host($psl);
protected function tearDown()
$this->host = null;
* @dataProvider hostDataProvider
public function test__toString($string)
$this->assertEquals($string, $this->host->__toString());
* @dataProvider hostDataProvider
public function testGet($string)
$this->assertEquals($string, $this->host->get());
* @dataProvider hostDataProvider
public function testSetFromString($string)
$this->assertEquals($string, $this->host->__toString());
public function hostDataProvider()
return array(
* @dataProvider parseDataProvider
public function testParse($url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain)
$this->assertSame($subdomain, $this->host->getSubdomain());
$this->assertEquals($publicSuffix, $this->host->getPublicSuffix());
$this->assertEquals($registerableDomain, $this->host->getRegisterableDomain());
$this->assertEquals($url, $this->host->get());
public function parseDataProvider()
// $url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain
return array(
array('', '', '', 'www'),
array('', 'com', '', null),
array('', 'com', '', 'us', ''),
array('', 'na', '', 'us', ''),
array('', '', '', 'www', ''),
array('', 'org', '', 'us', ''),
array('', 'biz', '', 'webhop', ''),
array('', '', '', 'www', ''),
array('', '', '', null),
array('', 'com', '', 'edition'),
array('', 'org', '', 'en'),
array('', '', '', 'a'),
array('', '', '', null),
array('', '', '', 'www'),
array('', '', '', null),
array('', '', '', 'a.b'),
array('', 'ar', '', 'test'),
array('', '', '', 'a', null),
array('', 'om', '', 'baez'),
array('', 'om', '', ''),
array('localhost', null, null, null),
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
* Test class for Path.
* Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-21 at 15:45:14.
class PathTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var Path
protected $path;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->path = new Path;
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
* @covers Aura\Uri\Path::__toString
public function test__toString()
$path = '/foo/bar/baz/dib.gir';
$actual = $this->path->__toString();
$this->assertSame($path, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Path::setFromString
public function testSetFromString()
$path = '/foo/bar/baz/dib.gir';
$expect = '.gir';
$actual = $this->path->getFormat();
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
$actual = $this->path->__toString();
$this->assertSame($path, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Path::setFormat
* @covers Aura\Uri\Path::getFormat
public function testSetAndGetFormat()
$format = '.json';
$actual = $this->path->getFormat($format);
$this->assertSame($format, $actual);
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
class PublicSuffixListTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var \Aura\Uri\PublicSuffixList
protected $psl;
protected function setUp()
$file = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. 'public-suffix-list.php';
$this->psl = new PublicSuffixList(require $file);
* @dataProvider parseDataProvider
public function testGetPublicSuffix($url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain, $hostPart)
$this->assertSame($publicSuffix, $this->psl->getPublicSuffix($hostPart));
* @dataProvider parseDataProvider
public function testGetRegisterableDomain($url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain, $hostPart)
$this->assertSame($registerableDomain, $this->psl->getRegisterableDomain($hostPart));
* @dataProvider parseDataProvider
public function testGetSubdomain($url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain, $hostPart)
$this->assertSame($subdomain, $this->psl->getSubdomain($hostPart));
* @dataProvider parseDataProvider
public function testPHPparse_urlCanReturnCorrectHost($url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain, $hostPart)
$this->assertEquals($hostPart, parse_url('http://' . $hostPart, PHP_URL_HOST));
public function parseDataProvider()
// $url, $publicSuffix, $registerableDomain, $subdomain, $hostPart
return array(
array('', '', '', 'www', ''),
array('', 'com', '', null, ''),
array('giant.yyyy', 'yyyy', 'giant.yyyy', null, 'giant.yyyy'),
array('', '', '', null, ''),
array('', 'com', '', 'edition', ''),
array('', 'org', '', 'en', ''),
array('', '', '', 'a', ''),
array('', '', '', null, ''),
array('', '', '', 'www', ''),
array('', '', '', null, ''),
array('', '', '', 'a.b', ''),
array('', 'ar', '', 'test', ''),
array('', '', '', 'a', ''),
array('', 'om', '', 'baez', ''),
array('', 'om', '', '', ''),
array('http://localhost', null, null, null, 'localhost'),
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
* Test class for Query.
* Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-21 at 15:45:19.
class QueryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var Query
protected $query;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$this->query = new Query;
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
* @covers Aura\Uri\Query::__toString
public function test__toString()
$query_string = 'foo=bar&baz=dib';
$actual = $this->query->__toString();
$this->assertEquals($actual, $query_string);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Query::setFromString
public function testSetFromString()
$query_string = 'foo=bar&baz=dib';
$actual = $this->query->getArrayCopy();
$expected = [
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'dib',
$this->assertEquals($actual, $expected);
public function test_deepArrays()
$query_string = 'foo[bar]=baz&zim[gir]=dib';
$expect = 'foo%5Bbar%5D=baz&zim%5Bgir%5D=dib';
$actual = $this->query->__toString();
$this->assertEquals($expect, $actual);
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
namespace Aura\Uri\Url;
use Aura\Uri\PublicSuffixList;
* Test class for Factory.
* Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-21 at 17:13:55.
class FactoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected function newFactory($server = [])
$psl = new PublicSuffixList([]);
return new Factory($server, $psl);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url\Factory::newInstance
public function testNewInstance()
$factory = $this->newFactory([]);
$spec = '';
$url = $factory->newInstance($spec);
$this->assertTrue($url instanceof \Aura\Uri\Url);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url\Factory::newCurrent
public function testNewCurrent()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
'REQUEST_URI' => '/path/to/index.php/foo/bar.xml?baz=dib',
$url = $factory->newCurrent();
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewCurrent_https()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'HTTPS' => 'on',
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
'REQUEST_URI' => '/path/to/index.php/foo/bar.xml?baz=dib',
$url = $factory->newCurrent();
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewCurrent_ssl()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'SERVER_PORT' => '443',
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
'REQUEST_URI' => '/path/to/index.php/foo/bar.xml?baz=dib',
$url = $factory->newCurrent();
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewCurrent_noHttpHost()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'REQUEST_URI' => '/path/to/index.php/foo/bar.xml?baz=dib',
$url = $factory->newCurrent();
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewCurrent_noRequestUri()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
$url = $factory->newCurrent();
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testIssue9()
$factory = $this->newFactory([
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
$string = 'http://localhost:8000/site/foo/bar';
$url = $factory->newInstance($string);
$this->assertSame(array('site', 'foo', 'bar'), $url->path->getArrayCopy());
public function testNewInstance_noScheme()
$factory = $this->newFactory([]);
$string = '';
$url = $factory->newInstance($string);
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewInstance_schemeless()
$factory = $this->newFactory([]);
$string = '//';
$url = $factory->newInstance($string);
$actual = $url->__toString();
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testNewInstance_ftpUrl()
$factory = $this->newFactory([]);
$string = '';
$url = $factory->newInstance($string);
$actual = $url->__toString();
$this->assertSame($string, $actual);
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
use Aura\Uri\Url\Factory as UrlFactory;
* Test class for Url.
* Generated by PHPUnit on 2012-07-21 at 15:46:30.
class UrlTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* @var Url
protected $url;
* @var string Url spec
protected $spec = '';
* @var PublicSuffixList Public Suffix List
protected $psl;
* Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
* This method is called before a test is executed.
protected function setUp()
$file = dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. 'public-suffix-list.php';
$this->psl = new PublicSuffixList(require $file);
$factory = new UrlFactory([], $this->psl);
$this->url = $factory->newInstance($this->spec);
* Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
* This method is called after a test is executed.
protected function tearDown()
public function test__construct()
$url = new Url(
new Host(
'subdomain' => null,
'registerableDomain' => '',
'publicSuffix' => 'com'
new Path(['foo', 'bar']),
new Query(['baz' => 'dib', 'zim' => 'gir']),
$this->assertInstanceOf('Aura\Uri\Url', $url);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::__toString
public function test__toString()
$actual = $this->url->__toString();
$this->assertSame($this->spec, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::__get
public function test__get()
$expected = [
'scheme' => 'http',
'user' => 'anonymous',
'pass' => 'guest',
'host' => '',
'fragment' => 'anchor'
$this->assertEquals($expected['scheme'], $this->url->scheme);
$this->assertEquals($expected['user'], $this->url->user);
$this->assertEquals($expected['pass'], $this->url->pass);
$this->assertEquals($expected['host'], $this->url->host);
$this->assertEquals($expected['fragment'], $this->url->fragment);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::get
public function testGet()
$actual = $this->url->get();
$expected = '/path/to/index.php/foo/bar.xml?baz=dib#anchor';
$this->assertSame($expected, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::getFull
public function testGetFull()
$actual = $this->url->getFull();
$this->assertSame($this->spec, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::getSchemeless
public function testGetSchemeless()
$schemeless = substr_replace($this->spec, '', 0, 5);
$actual = $this->url->getSchemeless();
$this->assertSame($schemeless, $actual);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setScheme
public function testSetScheme()
$scheme = 'https';
$this->assertSame($scheme, $this->url->scheme);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setUser
public function testSetUser()
$guest = 'guest';
$this->assertSame($guest, $this->url->user);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setPass
public function testSetPass()
$password = 'password';
$this->assertSame($password, $this->url->pass);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setHost
public function testSetHost()
$host = new Host($this->psl);
$this->assertSame($host, $this->url->host);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setPort
public function testSetPort()
$port = '8000';
$this->assertSame($port, $this->url->port);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setPath
public function testSetPath()
$path = new Path();
$this->assertSame($path, $this->url->path);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setQuery
public function testSetQuery()
$query = new Query();
$this->assertSame($query, $this->url->query);
* @covers Aura\Uri\Url::setFragment
public function testSetFragment()
$fragment = '#hello';
$this->assertSame($fragment, $this->url->fragment);
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
namespace Aura\Uri;
use Aura\Framework\Test\WiringAssertionsTrait;
class WiringTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
use WiringAssertionsTrait;
protected function setUp()
public function testInstances()
$factory = $this->assertNewInstance('Aura\Uri\Url\Factory');
$this->assertInstanceOf('Aura\Uri\Url', $factory->newInstance(''));
$this->assertInstanceOf('Aura\Uri\Url', $factory->newCurrent());
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
define('AURA_URI_TEST_ROOT', __DIR__);
// preload source files
require dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src.php';
// autoload test files
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
$file = dirname(__DIR__). DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
. str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class) . '.php';
if (file_exists($file)) {
require $file;
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<phpunit bootstrap="./bootstrap.php">
<directory suffix=".php">../src/Aura/Uri</directory>