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?path1? @ 1  →  ?path2? @ 2
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// simple unpacker/deobfuscator for scripts messed up with
// written by Einar Lielmanis <>
// usage:
// if (JavascriptObfuscator.detect(some_string)) {
// var unpacked = JavascriptObfuscator.unpack(some_string);
// }
var JavascriptObfuscator = {
detect: function(str) {
return /^var _0x[a-f0-9]+ ?\= ?\[/.test(str);
unpack: function(str) {
if (JavascriptObfuscator.detect(str)) {
var matches = /var (_0x[a-f\d]+) ?\= ?\[(.*?)\];/.exec(str);
if (matches) {
var var_name = matches[1];
var strings = JavascriptObfuscator._smart_split(matches[2]);
str = str.substring(matches[0].length);
for (var k in strings) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(var_name + '\\[' + k + '\\]', 'g'),
return str;
_fix_quotes: function(str) {
var matches = /^"(.*)"$/.exec(str);
if (matches) {
str = matches[1];
str = "'" + str.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'";
return str;
_smart_split: function(str) {
var strings = [];
var pos = 0;
while (pos < str.length) {
if (str.charAt(pos) === '"') {
// new word
var word = '';
pos += 1;
while (pos < str.length) {
if (str.charAt(pos) === '"') {
if (str.charAt(pos) === '\\') {
word += '\\';
word += str.charAt(pos);
strings.push('"' + word + '"');
pos += 1;
return strings;
_unescape: function(str) {
// inefficient if used repeatedly or on small strings, but wonderful on single large chunk of text
for (var i = 32; i < 128; i++) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\\\x' + i.toString(16), 'ig'), String.fromCharCode(i));
str = str.replace(/\\x09/g, "\t");
return str;
run_tests: function(sanity_test) {
var t = sanity_test || new SanityTest();
t.test_function(JavascriptObfuscator._smart_split, "JavascriptObfuscator._smart_split");
t.expect('', []);
t.expect('"a", "b"', ['"a"', '"b"']);
t.expect('"aaa","bbbb"', ['"aaa"', '"bbbb"']);
t.expect('"a", "b\\\""', ['"a"', '"b\\\""']);
t.test_function(JavascriptObfuscator._unescape, 'JavascriptObfuscator._unescape');
t.expect('\\x40', '@');
t.expect('\\x10', '\\x10');
t.expect('\\x1', '\\x1');
t.expect("\\x61\\x62\\x22\\x63\\x64", 'ab"cd');
t.test_function(JavascriptObfuscator.detect, 'JavascriptObfuscator.detect');
t.expect('', false);
t.expect('abcd', false);
t.expect('var _0xaaaa', false);
t.expect('var _0xaaaa = ["a", "b"]', true);
t.expect('var _0xaaaa=["a", "b"]', true);
t.expect('var _0x1234=["a","b"]', true);
return t;