
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 30  →  ?path2? @ 31
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
if [ -d ../opensim-www/ ]; then
cd ../opensim-www/
svn update
dialog --yesno "This option will update the Spectacled Owl's OpenSim website pages. These pages are the ones that you see when logging-in to the Spectacled Owl and allow the web-based management of the Spectacled Owl. If you have made changes to the pages located in /var/opensim-www, you should make a backup and say yes. Do you want to upgrade the Spectacled Owl website pages?" 10 70
dialog --yesno "This option will update the Spectacled Owl's OpenSim website pages. These pages are the ones that you see when logging-in to the Spectacled Owl and allow the web-based management of the Spectacled Owl. If you have made changes to the pages located in /var/opensim-www, you should make a backup and say yes. Do you want to upgrade the Spectacled Owl website pages?" 12 70
if [ $? == "0" ]; then
echo "[SpectacledOwl] Updating website..."
cp -R * /var/www/