
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 30  →  ?path2? @ 31
@@ -1,9 +1,60 @@
// Retrieve the top-most window z-index.
// Load the window manager desktop icons.
function loadWindowManagerIcons(path) {
// Search and load all nucleons.
$.get(path, function(data) {
var nucleons = wasCSVToArray(data);
var x = 0, y = 0;
$.each(nucleons, function(index, value) {
// Skip files starting with full stop (POSIX).
if (/^\./.test(value)) return;
$.get(path + '/' + value, function(doc) {
var button = $(doc).get(0);
// Translate the desktop icons so they do not overlap. = =
'translate(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px)';
// Update the position attributes
button.setAttribute('data-x', x);
button.setAttribute('data-y', y);
// Translate by the desktop icon size.
x += 64;
// Open a window manager window.
function openWindowManagerWindow(nucleon) {
// If the nucleon already exists, then do not append the content again.
if($('#' + nucleon).length)
// Change the nucleon icon to a loading icon.
$('#' + nucleon + '-window-manager-button-icon').attr('src', '/img/loader.gif');
// Disable button for successive clicks.
$('#' + nucleon + '-window-manager-button').prop('disabled', true);
// Load the nucleon.
$.get('/' + nucleon + '/index.html', function(data) {
}).done(function(data) {
// Change the nucleon icon back.
$('#' + nucleon + '-window-manager-button-icon').attr('src', '/' + nucleon + '/img/' + nucleon + '.png');
// Enable the button.
$('#' + nucleon + '-window-manager-button').prop('disabled', false);
// Retrieve the top-most window manager window z-index.
function getTopWindowIndex() {
return Math.max.apply(null,
$.map($('.window-manager-window'), function(e, n) {
if ($(e).css('position') != 'static')
return parseInt($(e).css('z-index')) || 2;
return parseInt($(e).css('z-index')) || 1;
@@ -69,7 +120,10 @@
// Closing windows.
$(document).on('click', '.window-manager-close-button', function(event) {
$('#' + $(this).data('target')).detach();
var wm = $('#' + $(this).data('target'));
wm.fadeOut(750, function() {
// Windows clicking brings to front.