
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 27  →  ?path2? @ 35
@@ -141,10 +141,24 @@
/// <returns>the description or the empty string</returns>
public static string GetStructureMemberName<T>(T structure, object item) where T : struct
var field = typeof(T).GetRuntimeFields().ToArray()
.AsParallel().SelectMany(f => f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameAttribute), false),
(f, a) => new { Field = f, Att = a }).SingleOrDefault(f => f.Field.GetValue(structure).Equals(item));
return field != null ? ((NameAttribute)field.Att).Name : string.Empty;
var f = typeof(T).GetRuntimeFields();
var p = typeof(T).GetRuntimeProperties();
dynamic r = null;
if (f != null)
r = f.AsParallel()
.SelectMany(o => o.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameAttribute), false),
(o, a) => new { Field = o, Att = a })
.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Field.GetValue(structure).Equals(item));
if (p != null)
r = p.AsParallel()
.SelectMany(o => o.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NameAttribute), false),
(o, a) => new { Property = o, Att = a })
.SingleOrDefault(q => q.Property.GetValue(structure).Equals(item));
return r != null ? ((NameAttribute)r.Att).Name : string.Empty;