scratch – Blame information for rev 125

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Rev Author Line No. Line
125 office 1 # Bootstrap Tags Input [![Build Status](](
2 Bootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags.
4 Current stable version: **v0.8.0**
6 ## Usage
7 Examples can be found [here](
9 ## Features
10 * Objects as tags
11 * True multi value
12 * Typeahead
13 * Designed for Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3
15 ### Objects as tags
16 Not just support for using strings! This means you can use different values
17 for a tag's label and value. Each tag also holds a reference to the object
18 by which it was created, so by calling <code>tagsinput('items')</code> an
19 array of the original items is returned.
21 ### True multi value support
22 Other implementations just concatenate the values to a comma separated string.
23 This results in <code>val()</code> returning just this string, and when
24 submitting the form, only one big, concatenated value is sent in the request.
26 Bootstrap Tags Input provides true multivalue support. Just use a
27 <code>&lt;select multiple /&gt;</code> as your input element, and
28 <code>val()</code> will return an array of the tag values. When submitting the
29 form, an array of values will be sent with the request.
31 ### Typeahead support
32 Integrates with Twitter Bootstraps' 2.3.2 typeahead, or use custom typeahead when using Bootstrap 3.
34 ## Development
35 Install dependencies:
36 <pre>
37 npm install
38 grunt install
39 </pre>
40 Test:
41 <pre>
42 grunt test
43 </pre>
44 Build:
45 <pre>
46 grunt build
47 </pre>
48 Current Library Versions:
50 - Bootstrap: 3.3.5
51 - jQuery: 2.1.4
52 - Typeahead: 0.11.1
54 Libraries for testing go in the **/lib** directory.
56 ## History
57 - 0.8.0
58 - [Add possibility skip "change" event after "add", "remove", "removeAll"](
59 - [Please add version to header of non-minified version.](
60 - 0.7.1
61 - [allowDuplicates not working](
62 - [tag text appears when typeahead input looses focus](
63 - [Remove duplicate method `removeAll` in manual](
64 - 0.7.0
65 - [.tt-menu etc. styles should be included in bootstrap-tagsinput.css by default](
66 - [Comma character carried over to new tag input when used as separator](
67 - [Emails in multi select are being duplicated](
68 - [The 'itemAdded' Event run on Load the Page!](
69 - 0.6.1
70 - [Source maps fix](
71 - 0.6.0
72 - [Allow form submissions when pressing enter if field is empty. Controlled by option](
73 - [Ability to set different or multiple delimiters](
74 - [No longer triggering itemRemoved when the field is already empty](
75 - 0.5
76 - [Added an optional 3rd parameter to the "add" and "remove" methods](
77 - 0.4
78 - [Fix typeahead when using Bootstrap 3](
79 - 0.3.13
80 - [#5: Trigger events on original input/select](
81 - Loads of fixes merged with help of @janvt, @rlidwka and @kuraga: thanks for helping me out!
82 - 0.3.9
83 - [#48: Type ahead stops when entering second character](
84 - 0.3.8
85 - [#43: Add support for placeholder](
86 - [#46: ie 8 compatibility, replace indexOf method](
87 - 0.3.7
88 - [#39: flash when duplicate is entered](
89 - 0.3.6
90 - [#34: Error in ReloadPage](
91 - 0.3.5
92 - [#10: confirmKeys option](
93 - 0.3.4
94 - [#24: Add bsTagsInput angular directive & example for bootstrap3 with typeahea...](
95 - [#28: Limit number of tags, enable/disable input](
96 - [#33: Avoid conflict with other selects when checking for value presence](
98 ## License
99 This project is licensed under [MIT]( "Read more about the MIT license").