scratch – Blame information for rev 87

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
87 office 1 <?php
3 /*
4 * This file is part of the Symfony package.
5 *
6 * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
7 *
8 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9 * file that was distributed with this source code.
10 */
12 namespace Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Extension;
14 use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Exception\ExpressionErrorException;
15 use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Node\FunctionNode;
16 use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\Translator;
17 use Symfony\Component\CssSelector\XPath\XPathExpr;
19 /**
20 * XPath expression translator HTML extension.
21 *
22 * This component is a port of the Python cssselect library,
23 * which is copyright Ian Bicking, @see
24 *
25 * @author Jean-François Simon <>
26 *
27 * @internal
28 */
29 class HtmlExtension extends AbstractExtension
30 {
31 /**
32 * Constructor.
33 *
34 * @param Translator $translator
35 */
36 public function __construct(Translator $translator)
37 {
38 $translator
39 ->getExtension('node')
40 ->setFlag(NodeExtension::ELEMENT_NAME_IN_LOWER_CASE, true)
41 ->setFlag(NodeExtension::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_IN_LOWER_CASE, true);
42 }
44 /**
45 * {@inheritdoc}
46 */
47 public function getPseudoClassTranslators()
48 {
49 return array(
50 'checked' => array($this, 'translateChecked'),
51 'link' => array($this, 'translateLink'),
52 'disabled' => array($this, 'translateDisabled'),
53 'enabled' => array($this, 'translateEnabled'),
54 'selected' => array($this, 'translateSelected'),
55 'invalid' => array($this, 'translateInvalid'),
56 'hover' => array($this, 'translateHover'),
57 'visited' => array($this, 'translateVisited'),
58 );
59 }
61 /**
62 * {@inheritdoc}
63 */
64 public function getFunctionTranslators()
65 {
66 return array(
67 'lang' => array($this, 'translateLang'),
68 );
69 }
71 /**
72 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
73 *
74 * @return XPathExpr
75 */
76 public function translateChecked(XPathExpr $xpath)
77 {
78 return $xpath->addCondition(
79 '(@checked '
80 ."and (name(.) = 'input' or name(.) = 'command')"
81 ."and (@type = 'checkbox' or @type = 'radio'))"
82 );
83 }
85 /**
86 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
87 *
88 * @return XPathExpr
89 */
90 public function translateLink(XPathExpr $xpath)
91 {
92 return $xpath->addCondition("@href and (name(.) = 'a' or name(.) = 'link' or name(.) = 'area')");
93 }
95 /**
96 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
97 *
98 * @return XPathExpr
99 */
100 public function translateDisabled(XPathExpr $xpath)
101 {
102 return $xpath->addCondition(
103 '('
104 .'@disabled and'
105 .'('
106 ."(name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden')"
107 ." or name(.) = 'button'"
108 ." or name(.) = 'select'"
109 ." or name(.) = 'textarea'"
110 ." or name(.) = 'command'"
111 ." or name(.) = 'fieldset'"
112 ." or name(.) = 'optgroup'"
113 ." or name(.) = 'option'"
114 .')'
115 .') or ('
116 ."(name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden')"
117 ." or name(.) = 'button'"
118 ." or name(.) = 'select'"
119 ." or name(.) = 'textarea'"
120 .')'
121 .' and ancestor::fieldset[@disabled]'
122 );
123 // todo: in the second half, add "and is not a descendant of that fieldset element's first legend element child, if any."
124 }
126 /**
127 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
128 *
129 * @return XPathExpr
130 */
131 public function translateEnabled(XPathExpr $xpath)
132 {
133 return $xpath->addCondition(
134 '('
135 .'@href and ('
136 ."name(.) = 'a'"
137 ." or name(.) = 'link'"
138 ." or name(.) = 'area'"
139 .')'
140 .') or ('
141 .'('
142 ."name(.) = 'command'"
143 ." or name(.) = 'fieldset'"
144 ." or name(.) = 'optgroup'"
145 .')'
146 .' and not(@disabled)'
147 .') or ('
148 .'('
149 ."(name(.) = 'input' and @type != 'hidden')"
150 ." or name(.) = 'button'"
151 ." or name(.) = 'select'"
152 ." or name(.) = 'textarea'"
153 ." or name(.) = 'keygen'"
154 .')'
155 .' and not (@disabled or ancestor::fieldset[@disabled])'
156 .') or ('
157 ."name(.) = 'option' and not("
158 .'@disabled or ancestor::optgroup[@disabled]'
159 .')'
160 .')'
161 );
162 }
164 /**
165 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
166 * @param FunctionNode $function
167 *
168 * @return XPathExpr
169 *
170 * @throws ExpressionErrorException
171 */
172 public function translateLang(XPathExpr $xpath, FunctionNode $function)
173 {
174 $arguments = $function->getArguments();
175 foreach ($arguments as $token) {
176 if (!($token->isString() || $token->isIdentifier())) {
177 throw new ExpressionErrorException(
178 'Expected a single string or identifier for :lang(), got '
179 .implode(', ', $arguments)
180 );
181 }
182 }
184 return $xpath->addCondition(sprintf(
185 'ancestor-or-self::*[@lang][1][starts-with(concat('
186 ."translate(@%s, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'), '-')"
187 .', %s)]',
188 'lang',
189 Translator::getXpathLiteral(strtolower($arguments[0]->getValue()).'-')
190 ));
191 }
193 /**
194 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
195 *
196 * @return XPathExpr
197 */
198 public function translateSelected(XPathExpr $xpath)
199 {
200 return $xpath->addCondition("(@selected and name(.) = 'option')");
201 }
203 /**
204 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
205 *
206 * @return XPathExpr
207 */
208 public function translateInvalid(XPathExpr $xpath)
209 {
210 return $xpath->addCondition('0');
211 }
213 /**
214 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
215 *
216 * @return XPathExpr
217 */
218 public function translateHover(XPathExpr $xpath)
219 {
220 return $xpath->addCondition('0');
221 }
223 /**
224 * @param XPathExpr $xpath
225 *
226 * @return XPathExpr
227 */
228 public function translateVisited(XPathExpr $xpath)
229 {
230 return $xpath->addCondition('0');
231 }
233 /**
234 * {@inheritdoc}
235 */
236 public function getName()
237 {
238 return 'html';
239 }
240 }