corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Blame information for rev 39

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
30 office 1 <div id="script-kiddie">
2 office 2 <!-- Script Kiddie style. -->
3 <link href="/script-kiddie/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
5 <!-- Bootstrap Toggle -->
20 office 6 <link href="/script-kiddie/node_modules/bootstrap-toggle/css/bootstrap-toggle.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
2 office 7  
8 <!-- Dialog Modal -->
28 office 9 <div id="script-kiddie-avatar-select" class="modal fade bs-example-modal-lg" role="dialog">
2 office 10 <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">
11 <!-- Modal content-->
13 <div class="modal-content">
14 <div class="modal-header">
15 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">&times;</button>
28 office 17 <h1 class="modal-title">Avatar Selection</h1>
2 office 18 </div>
28 office 20 <form class="form-inline" data-toggle="validator" onSubmit="event.preventDefault();">
21 <div class="modal-body">
6 office 22 <p>Please enter the avatar firstname and lastname to send the script to.</p>
23 <div class="form-group has-feedback">
28 office 24 <label for="script-kiddie-avatar-firstname">First Name</label>
25 <input id="script-kiddie-avatar-firstname" type="text" class="form-control" aria-describedby="basic-addon1" required>
26 <label for="script-kiddie-avatar-lastname">Last Name</label>
27 <input id="script-kiddie-avatar-lastname" type="text" class="form-control" aria-describedby="basic-addon1" required>
2 office 28 </div>
29 </div>
30 <div class="modal-footer">
31 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
28 office 32 <button id="script-kiddie-send-script" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Confirm</button>
2 office 33 </div>
6 office 34 </form>
2 office 35 </div>
36 </div>
37 </div>
39 office 39 <div class="panel panel-default window-manager-window" data-target="script-kiddie">
2 office 40 <div class="panel-heading">
29 office 41 <button type="button" class="close window-manager-close-button" data-target="script-kiddie"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span><span class="sr-only">Close</span></button>
28 office 42 <form id="script-kiddie-script-tools" data-toggle="validator" onSubmit="event.preventDefault();">
6 office 43 <div class="form-group">
28 office 44 <button id="script-kiddie-compile-script" class="btn btn-default check-image checkButton" type="button" title="Compile script.">Compile</button>
45 <button id="script-kiddie-tidy-script" class="btn btn-default" type="button" title="Tidy source-code.">Cleanup</button>
6 office 46  
2 office 47 </div>
48 <div class="form-group has-feedback">
49 <div class="input-group">
50 <span class="input-group-btn">
28 office 51 <input id="script-kiddie-store-script" type="checkbox" data-toggle="toggle" data-on="Store" data-off="No Store" data-onstyle="success" disabled="disabled">
2 office 52 </span>
28 office 53 <input id="script-kiddie-script-name" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Script Name" aria-describedby="basic-addon1" required>
2 office 54 <span class="input-group-addon">-</span>
28 office 55 <input id="script-kiddie-script-UUID" type="text" class="form-control" aria-describedby="basic-addon2" size="36">
6 office 56 <span class="input-group-btn">
28 office 57 <button id="script-kiddie-give-script" class="btn btn-default" type="button" title="Give script." disabled="disabled">Give</button>
6 office 58 </span>
2 office 59 </div>
60 </div>
61 </form>
62 </div>
30 office 63 <div class="panel-body">
64 <div>
65 <textarea id="script-kiddie-message" class="form-control" rows="5" style="min-width: 100%; max-width: 100%; font-family: monospace; display: none;" readonly></textarea>
66 </div>
28 office 67 <div id="script-kiddie-editor" style="height: 500px;">default
2 office 68 {
69 state_entry()
70 {
71 llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!");
72 }
74 touch_start(integer total_number)
75 {
76 llSay(0, "Touched.");
77 }
78 }
79 </div>
80 </div>
81 </div>
83 <!-- Bootstrap Validator -->
20 office 84 <script src="/node_modules/bootstrap-validator/dist/validator.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2 office 85 <!-- Bootstrap Toggle -->
20 office 86 <script src="/script-kiddie/node_modules/bootstrap-toggle/js/bootstrap-toggle.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2 office 87 <!-- ACE -->
20 office 88 <script src="/script-kiddie/node_modules/ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/ace.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
89 <script src="/script-kiddie/node_modules/ace-builds/src-min-noconflict/ext-language_tools.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2 office 90 <!-- Beautify.JS -->
20 office 91 <script src="/script-kiddie/node_modules/js-beautify/js/lib/beautify.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2 office 92 <!-- Velocity -->
20 office 93 <script src="/script-kiddie/node_modules/velocity-animate/velocity.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2 office 94 <script>
95 $(document).ready(() => {
96 // Auto-complete.
97 ace.require("ace/ext/language_tools");
99 // Create the editor.
28 office 100 var editor = ace.edit("script-kiddie-editor");
2 office 101 editor.setTheme("ace/theme/twilight");
102 editor.getSession().setMode("ace/mode/lsl");
103 editor.setOptions({
104 enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
105 enableSnippets: false,
106 enableLiveAutocompletion: true
107 });
109 // Get the script from the storage.
6 office 110 var storeScriptText = localStorage.getItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-body');
111 if (typeof storeScriptText == "string")
2 office 112 editor.getSession().setValue(storeScriptText);
6 office 114 function compile(lsl, callback) {
2 office 115 // Set the editor to read-only.
116 editor.setReadOnly(true);
118 // Set the button image.
28 office 119 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("check-image");
120 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("checkButton");
2 office 121  
28 office 122 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("cross-image");
123 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("crossButton");
2 office 124  
28 office 125 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("activity-image");
126 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("activityButton");
2 office 127  
128 $.ajax({
129 type: 'POST',
130 url: '/',
131 data: {
132 command: 'compilescript',
133 data: lsl
134 },
135 dataType: 'json'
136 }).done(function(response) {
6 office 137 var success = response.success === "True";
2 office 138 // Set the editor to read-enabled.
139 editor.setReadOnly(false);
6 office 141 if(success) {
2 office 142 // Set the button image.
28 office 143 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("activity-image");
144 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("activityButton");
2 office 145  
28 office 146 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("check-image");
147 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("checkButton");
2 office 148  
28 office 149 $("#script-kiddie-message").velocity("slideUp", {
2 office 150 duration: 1000
151 });
6 office 152 callback(success);
2 office 153 return;
154 }
156 // Move panel to top.
28 office 157 $('#script-kiddie-error-panel').css('z-index', getTopWindowIndex() + 1);
158 $('#script-kiddie-error-panel').css('position', 'relative');
2 office 159  
160 // Set the button image.
28 office 161 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("activity-image");
162 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').removeClass("activityButton");
2 office 163  
28 office 164 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("cross-image");
165 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').addClass("crossButton");
2 office 166  
28 office 167 $("#script-kiddie-message").velocity("slideDown", {
2 office 168 duration: 1000
169 });
28 office 171 $('#script-kiddie-message').val(wasCSVToArray(''));
6 office 172 callback(success);
2 office 173 });
174 }
6 office 176 function store(lsl, callback) {
2 office 177 $.ajax({
178 type: 'POST',
179 url: '/',
180 data: {
6 office 181 command: 'updatescript',
182 create: true,
183 type: 'agent',
184 entity: 'text',
28 office 185 item: $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').val(),
186 target: $('#script-kiddie-script-name').val(),
6 office 187 data: lsl
2 office 188 },
189 dataType: 'json'
190 }).done(function(response) {
6 office 191 var success = response.success === "True";
192 if(success) {
193 // Get the response data and item UUID.
2 office 194 var data = wasCSVToArray(;
195 var UUID = data[data.indexOf('item') + 1];
197 // Set the inventory UUID of the saved script.
28 office 198 $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').val(UUID);
2 office 199  
200 localStorage.setItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-UUID', UUID);
201 }
6 office 202 callback(success);
2 office 203 });
204 }
206 // Add compiling with Ctrl-S
207 editor.commands.addCommand({
208 name: 'Compile',
209 bindKey: {
210 win: 'Ctrl-S',
211 mac: 'Command-S'
212 },
213 exec: editor => {
214 var data = editor.getSession().getValue();
6 office 215 // Store locally on save.
216 localStorage.setItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-body', data);
218 compile(data, (success) => {
219 // Script did not compile so do not store.
220 if(!success)
221 return;
223 // Storing is not enabled so return.
28 office 224 if($('#script-kiddie-store-script').prop('checked') !== true)
6 office 225 return;
227 store(data, (success) => {
228 // Script was stored successfully.
229 //alert("Script stored succssfully.");
230 });
231 });
2 office 233 },
234 readOnly: false // false if this command should not apply in readOnly mode
235 });
237 // Add click listener for compile button.
28 office 238 $('#script-kiddie-compile-script').on('click', function (e) {
239 if($('#script-kiddie-compile-script').hasClass("activity-image"))
2 office 240 return;
242 var data = editor.getSession().getValue();
20 office 243 compile(data, (success) => {});
28 office 244 if($('#script-kiddie-store-script').prop('checked') === true)
2 office 245 store(data);
246 });
248 // Add click listener for tidy button.
28 office 249 $('#script-kiddie-tidy-script').on('click', function (e) {
250 if($('#script-kiddie-compile-script').hasClass("activity-image"))
2 office 251 return;
253 // Code cleanup parameters.
254 editor.setValue(
255 js_beautify(
256 editor.getSession().getValue(),
257 {
258 "indent_size": 4,
259 "indent_char": " ",
260 "indent_with_tabs": false,
261 "eol": "\n",
262 "end_with_newline": true,
263 "indent_level": 0,
264 "preserve_newlines": true,
265 "max_preserve_newlines": 10,
266 "space_in_paren": false,
267 "space_in_empty_paren": false,
268 "jslint_happy": false,
269 "space_after_anon_function": false,
270 "brace_style": "expand",
271 "break_chained_methods": false,
272 "keep_array_indentation": false,
273 "unescape_strings": false,
274 "wrap_line_length": 0,
275 "e4x": false,
276 "comma_first": false,
277 "operator_position": "before-newline"
278 }
279 )
280 );
281 });
6 office 283 function give(firstname, lastname, callback) {
284 $.ajax({
285 type: 'POST',
286 url: '/',
287 data: {
288 command: 'give',
289 entity: 'avatar',
28 office 290 item: $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').val(),
6 office 291 firstname: firstname,
292 lastname: lastname,
293 permissions: 'c--mvt------------c--mvtc--mvt'
294 },
295 dataType: 'json'
296 }).done(function(response) {
297 callback(response);
298 });
299 }
301 // Add click listener for give button.
28 office 302 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').on('click', function (e) {
303 if($('#script-kiddie-compile-script').hasClass("activity-image"))
6 office 304 return;
306 // Show the popup.
28 office 307 $('#script-kiddie-avatar-select').modal('show');
6 office 308 });
310 // Add click listener to modal confirmation.
28 office 311 $('#script-kiddie-send-script').on('click', function(e) {
6 office 312 // Hide the popup.
28 office 313 $('#script-kiddie-avatar-select').modal('hide');
6 office 314  
315 // Disable give button.
28 office 316 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').attr('disabled', true);
317 give($('#script-kiddie-avatar-firstname').val(), $('#script-kiddie-avatar-lastname').val(), (response) => {
6 office 318 // Enable give button.
28 office 319 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').attr('disabled', false);
6 office 320 });
321 })
2 office 323 // Save script on change.
324 editor.getSession().on('change', function(e) {
6 office 325 localStorage.setItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-body', editor.getSession().getValue());
2 office 326 });
328 // Get the item name from the storage.
329 var storeScriptUUID = localStorage.getItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-UUID');
330 if (typeof storeScriptUUID == "string")
28 office 331 $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').val(storeScriptUUID);
2 office 332  
333 // Get the item name from the storage.
334 var storeScriptName = localStorage.getItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-name');
335 if (typeof storeScriptName == "string")
28 office 336 $('#script-kiddie-script-name').val(storeScriptName);
2 office 337  
338 // Store script name on modification.
339 var scriptNameTimerID;
28 office 340 $('#script-kiddie-script-name').on('input',function(e){
2 office 341 var value = $(this).val();
342 if($(this).data('lastval')!= value){
6 office 344 $(this).data('lastval',value);
2 office 345 clearTimeout(scriptNameTimerID);
347 scriptNameTimerID = setTimeout(function() {
348 localStorage.setItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-name', value);
349 },500);
350 };
351 });
353 // Enable storing of script only if the form validates.
28 office 354 $('#script-kiddie-script-tools').on('', function (e) {
355 if($('#script-kiddie-script-tools').has('.has-error').length !== 0) {
356 $('#script-kiddie-store-script').bootstrapToggle('off');
357 $('#script-kiddie-store-script').bootstrapToggle('disable');
2 office 358 return;
359 }
28 office 360 $('#script-kiddie-store-script').bootstrapToggle('enable');
2 office 361 });
28 office 363 $('#script-kiddie-store-script').change(function() {
364 switch($('#script-kiddie-store-script').prop('checked'))
6 office 365 {
366 case true:
367 // Disable script name and UUID.
28 office 368 $('#script-kiddie-script-name').attr('disabled', true);
369 $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').attr('disabled', true);
6 office 370  
371 var data = editor.getSession().getValue();
372 // Store locally on save.
373 localStorage.setItem('nucleus-script-kiddie-script-body', data);
28 office 375 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').attr('disabled', true);
6 office 376 compile(data, (success) => {
377 store(data, (success) => {
378 // Script was stored successfully.
379 // Enable the give button.
28 office 380 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').attr('disabled', false);
6 office 381 });
382 });
383 break;
384 default:
385 // Enable script name and UUID.
28 office 386 $('#script-kiddie-script-name').attr('disabled', false);
387 $('#script-kiddie-script-UUID').attr('disabled', false);
6 office 388  
389 // Disable the give button.
28 office 390 $('#script-kiddie-give-script').attr('disabled', true);
6 office 391 break;
392 }
393 });
2 office 394  
395 });
396 </script>
28 office 397 </div>